The meaning and importance of World Tourism Day
Diet Daleman • Sep 27, 2023
World Tourism Day 2023
Since 1980, the United Nations World Tourism Organization has celebrated World Tourism Day as international observances on September 27. This date was chosen as on that day in 1970, the Statutes of the UNWTO were adopted. The adoption of these Statutes is considered a milestone in global tourism. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness on the role of tourism within the international community and to demonstrate how it affects social, cultural, political and economic values worldwide. Check the video below for a short impression:
Intro Video World Tourism Day 2023
This very special and international day dedicated to tourism, highlights the urgent need for investments in projects that serve the interests of People (by investing in education and skills), Planet (by investing in sustainable infrastructure and driving green transformation), and Prosperity (by investing in innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship).
UNWTO emphasizes the pressing need for more focused and diversified investments, both traditional and non-traditional, aimed at benefiting People.
A focus point for investing in People is more equal opportunities for women in Tourism.
The second focus point is that we need to Invest in our Planet. The lockdown gave us a push and it motitvated people to take a Staycation. As a promotor and host in the city of Groningen, we noticed that we had lots of guests that came from our own little Netherlands. In 2022 more 'dutchies' booked a holiday in the Netherlands than guests from abroad. There was an overall rise of 40% of bookings. Also we noticed that guests value sustainability in hospitality.
Staycations in the Netherlands
By 2023 it is expected that the amount of staycations will further increase by 2%, so I guess we will be launching our platform in Dutch language soon ;-)
But it is not just about staying more nearby home for holidays and flying less. Buildings and processes in tourism are getting more green and sustainable. Per example solarsystems at buildings are common, insulation of buildings is key, also smaller measures like sensors to prevent the spilling of water in hotel bathrooms, sensors that make sure we don’t waste electricity. It is more and more accepted and common. The habit to re-use your towels and not hand them over to laundryservices on a daily base, the disposal of plastic toiletries in hotels, paper or cardbox disposables, eco firiendly toiletries. We have seem to find the right line, now we have to make it bigger!
The green transformation of the tourism sector is crucial, not only for the benefit of the planet but also for enhancing tourism's competitiveness and resilience. Investments in green initiatives and innovation within the tourism sector are pivotal to supporting this transformation.
The third focus point, Prosperity
Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Every small step is a start of a bigger change!
Digitalization and innovation programs are strategic priorities to empower the tourism sector's workforce, particularly young people and women.
Additionally, there is a global imperative to increase investments in programs that support and incentivize entrepreneurship and innovation within the tourism sector. Furthermore, women's empowerment is a fundamental component of just and equitable societies.
Tourism has demonstrated its potential to empower women, and the sector should maximize this opportunity. Female entrepreneurship is on the rise globally and has proven its ability to drive economic growth and reduce poverty. Investing in women entrepreneurs is an investment in change, as they bring innovation, competitiveness, and new values to the table.
Wow that was a mouth full, but now you all now about the Importance of the Day of Tourism 2023!
How we continue…
As a lady entrepreneur myself, working in tourism, hospitality and tech in the vibrant city of Groningen, I would like to hand over my pencil to this party of World Tourism Day 2023.
So I will invite some talented and creative business ladies working for - and in tourism.
Maybe they will tell something about themselves, or maybe they would per example write a nice blog. Every journey starts with a single step!
To start, I would like to hand over my ‘pencil’ to Penny from Globetrove. A female and high potential entrepreneur in Tourism and as well our first neighbor living above our office in Groningen 😉
Stay tuned to read our first guestblog.